GC for Med

GC for Med

GC for Med, led by several Mediterranean networks of the UN Global Compact, gathers businesses from both banks, before and after the third UN Ocean Conference, taking place in Nice from June 9 to June 13. During six sessions, businesses from the Mediterranean basin will be guided to assess their impacts, identify challenges and opportunities linked to the ocean and seize the UNOC3 momentum to commit and set actions to preserve the marine environment.

GC for Med is exclusively for UNGC participant companies.

GC for Med in details

As our social and economic dependencies on the ocean have increased as well as our impacts on the marine environment, thus threatening the services provided, we think it is of major importance to involve businesses collectively. 

Companies are invited to join GC for Med for six online sessions built specifically to convene participants of the UN Global Compact around how the private sector can contribute to a more sustainable ocean, especially in the Mediterranean Sea. 

What has been done? What more could be done? What businesses need to do more? Sessions will try to answer those questions built around thematic subgroups allowing member companies from the Mediterranean coastline to freely share their challenges, best initiatives and views on ocean conservation in the region. Messages from the initiative and call for action along best initiatives will be highlighted and delivered at the third UN ocean conference. 

Here, companies can gain knowledge and recommendations from top organisation experts in the region and address tools to help better assessing their impact on the Mediterranean Sea.

📃Link to the one pager

GC for Med participating networks

GC for Med is led by a number of Country Networks from around the Mediterranean:  


6 sessions details and registration


GC for Med – Session 2: A private sector message for the Mediterranean Sea part 1/2

En ligne | 26/03/2025

GC for Med aims to gather Mediterranean stakeholders through Global Compact Networks in order to give businesses tools to commit and set actions, build partnerships and share their perspective on ocean challenges.

Événement membre


GC for Med – Session 3: A private sector message for the Mediterranean Sea part 2/2

En ligne | 24/04/2025

GC for Med aims to gather Mediterranean stakeholders through Global Compact Networks in order to give businesses tools to commit and set actions, build partnerships and share their perspective on ocean challenges.

Événement membre


Blue Economy and Finance Forum

Grimaldi Forum, Monaco | 07/06/2025

Le Blue Economy and Finance Forum vise à mobiliser de façon tangible les entreprises et des solutions de financement innovantes, publiques et privés, des activités océaniques durables et de l’ODD 14.


Conférence des Nations unies sur les océans (UNOC)

Nice, France | 09/06/2025

Co-organisée par les gouvernements de la France et du Costa Rica, la troisième Conférence des Nations Unies sur l’Océan (UNOC) se tiendra à Nice, en France, du 9 au 13 juin 2025.


GC for Med – Session 4 : Post UNOC3: how to tackle the Nice declaration commitments?

En ligne | 17/09/2025

GC for Med aims to gather Mediterranean stakeholders through Global Compact Networks in order to give businesses tools to commit and set actions, build partnerships and share their perspective on ocean challenges.

Événement membre


GC for Med – Session 5: Measuring impacts of business initiatives on the Mediterranean Sea

En ligne | 22/10/2025

GC for Med aims to gather Mediterranean stakeholders through Global Compact Networks in order to give businesses tools to commit and set actions, build partnerships and share their perspective on ocean challenges.

Événement membre


GC for Med – Session 6: Making action for the Mediterranean Sea long lasting

En ligne | 25/11/2025

GC for Med aims to gather Mediterranean stakeholders through Global Compact Networks in order to give businesses tools to commit and set actions, build partnerships and share their perspective on ocean challenges.

Événement membre